That Cool Refreshing Drink

Guess what, listen to this, this one time, you won’t believe this, just wait until I tell you about… all phrases, too often heard and spoken. They should have us running for the hills. Or at minimum questioning whether the next few moments of our lives will be healthy, for us or not? But, damned if we don’t love a good slut shaming, an I was so drunk story, or hearing all the latest gossip, rumor and innuendo. Plus, who would want to miss the next tragic missteps in this poor fools addiction history. We all seem on some level to be fascinated by others trials, triumphs and tragedies. In fact it is part of the reason that an improbable clown like Donald Trump was able to win the presidency. If they were to re-air old episodes of, “Lifestyle’s of the Rich and Famous” now… Same hair, same philosophy, same I’m better than you attitude, all round same bloated arrogant ass, but with different trade up, “trophy- wife”.

Remember the old saying, behind every sketchy S.O.B., there is a greater women… holding tightly to one hell of a non-disclosing, prenuptial agreement.

An interesting interview involving twin sisters from opposing parties in Kent Co. Michigan, who ran for the same political office, but in different districts caught my ears and eyes the other night. So, I watched and I listened. Of the few things these sisters agreed upon, one was Hillary Clinton’s dropping the ball in Michigan, and making the assumption of black voter support for simply being a democratic candidate. Rather shockingly, they also agreed that President Trump in general has a message that is on point, (my left leaning sister did quickly add, “on point for whom though, just the wealthy?”). Agreeing also that he is such an atrocious public speaker, the message is lost. He should never ad lib.

Regardless, the interview and their conflicting beliefs, but common background got me to thinking about what suddenly made this man a viable candidate for office back in 2015. I mean, a Facebook thread I recently followed had Joe Biden likened to a serial rapist. WTF? He is a man who has dedicated most of his adult life and that of his families, to public service. Working on the needs of others and ensuring better futures for his and your children. While Trump and his heirs have spent a lifetime in the private sector tending to their needs and their futures while helping to destroy middle Americas. So, again… what is it about Donald Trump? Why are Americans and foreigners, whether they be in support or repulsed by him so… enthralled?

I think it’s the story. The gossip and rumors. It gives most of us something to make us feel better about ourselves. Better without having to do a thing to fix it, except bitch. Oh, sure we get tired of that too, but its like a wreck on northbound I-75 while your driving southbound… you slow down not caring that your backing up traffic to take a peek (possibly causing an accident yourself). Then complain that traffic isn’t moving fast enough, just before you slow down again to take a peek at the latest accident. I get it. Surprisingly, that is one thing I don’t do. I figure… I’m no a doctor, and speeding at rates of 75 to 90 mph, in the opposite direction with crews on the scene… not much for me to do! No judgement though, maybe you don’t smoke crack, kudos. We all have our vices. Unfortunately, this would appear to be the better half of America.

I fear it’s far too late for this piece not turn political. It wasn’t intended to be. But eh, since were there, let’s all take a peek at that wreck, shall we? I think few of us recognize the malady for what it is… our sinful nature. We aren’t willing to believe or accept it. But, our most tragically flawed human frailty is quite simply put, our vanity and ego (sin). Secretly for many Americans, not so secretly for others (almost half, but not quite), having Mr. Trump serve is like winning the lotto (or as others might view it, like having a broken electorate). Their dirty little secret… If many could, they would love to trade places or even be him for a day. This is the other half… “God shed his (dis) grace on thee.” Have you ever actually listened to the lyrics of…

I picked Ray’s version… it’s the best and so ironic.
Although already isolated by blindness, addicted by nature and segregated by his own country, he still found insight to see God had better intentions for us than what we’ve become.

Trumps half of America would have us segregated again, cut off from the rest of the civilized and sane world (building walls, are we all sure they’re to keep others out or are they to keep us in? (1984)), openly practicing their bigotry, and spreading their prejudice for others, in front of others… as he does. Belittling those weaker and without the means to defend themselves (dead or alive). Man, woman, child or corpse he takes no exception. Even Fox thinks he’s an ass for this shit.

Back in 2015 when I suggested Donald Trump was a viable candidate, I was scoffed at by many, told the announcement was simply a publicity stunt. But, see I work in the trenches among common folk. I bring them their food, listen to their complaints and share many of them myself, too. None of which the current administrations policies seems to be addressing. I just filed my 2018 taxes yesterday. Same ol’, same ol’. I wouldn’t mind a peek at the commander and chiefs. He can look at mine, but I have feeling he’s getting way more back percentage wise than I am. So, sure it was just a publicity stunt, but a good one. Perhaps, too good, look what we’ve done…

I relate most things in my life anymore to either recovery or God. You don’t have to, this is my life. I need to and it seems to be working. Having said that… Don is no god! He is however, a lot like the lies I tell myself prior to a relapse. The signs are there if I’m watching for them. I am disgruntled with the current administration. “Feeling” as though I have suspended fun (you know closed loopholes and tax credits for big business) or so I lead myself to believe. I begin glorifying the old ways of life (support the monopolies; steel, oil, internet, and commerce- barons). Forgetting that only a few benefited from it, mostly dealers and moochers (But, also those that know the tax code and have enough cash for that matter). In the end all the people lose (certainly this guy and those close to him). Because at the “end” there is really no such thing as a “social addict” (or trickle down economics) they are both a fallacy.

I’m told by myself and promises are made that this time around if elected, “drugs and alcohol” will provide better times, with no repercussions. Evenings will be filled with wonderful tales of companionship and love. This is all a lie. “Drugs and alcohol” if re-elected are going to do the same thing they do to me every time I elect them. Slip me a roofie, causing blackout (don’t drink the Kool-aid), call some friends over and go to town on my ass. Recorded for posterity and unworried that I’ll remember or that I’ve learned a thing. I haven’t so far (none of us have). We all keep writing the same history… addicts and Americans, hmm? Maybe we should start rewriting instead.

Having had the compulsion to use drugs, alcohol, and other forms of addiction removed (much like the possibility of our healthcare, education and that pesky global warming continuing being ignored), you would think that re-election seems impossible. But, re-packaged and sold with a more polished and smoother branding, I have on many occasions allowed another term (so have you). Many lessons taught, but so few learned.

Exercising our free will, many of us will make that same poor choice again. That is why it is important for me when rehashing old stories to remember them (Tariffs did hurt the farmers.) accurately. When revisiting old haunts (Closing or funding the border wall will cost billions, if not trillions… ultimately harming our economy the most.) being honest about why I am there. Or reminisce of an old friend, especially those I know to be dangerous for me, (Like any of the dozens of indicted individuals who served on the cabinet and election committee.) needs truthfulness (At least for those wishing to continue to receive social security).

It isn’t that I want to relapse, but ignoring people, places and things is likely to have that outcome. The message we emit is often the response we get. So those we surround ourselves with experiencing and feeling the same things, or the feelings and experiences we’ve surrounded ourselves with are likely to be our results. Ultimately, its the misery loves company theory. Guess what… so do bigots and bully’s. Welcome to Merica’.

Earlier this evening I was sharing with my mother just how much work it takes for me stay on my path. Being a positive person amid all the negativity I see and feel is exhausting. Forget about navigating or swimming, the energy needed just to simply stay a float in the ever growing sea of negativity that has become America is a full time job. And like you, I have many others. First and foremost being clean, and sober.

Two young women Katie and Erica stopped by this afternoon to have me switch my gas provider. It turns out a competitive and healthy approach with alternative choices was created, thanks to the deregulation of natural gas. One of the many business monopolies created during a past relapse in American history. Honestly, I could give two cents less than the cost of a turd, who I am paying for gas. But, I must and so must you because it is when we don’t that we lose the whole concept of democracy and America. We end up with the only options being lining the pockets of the already wealthy. Putting more money in the Walton and Bevo’s families pockets. I for one still wish the IGA was on high street. For that that matter Post Pharmacy.

In recovery they say, It’s progress not perfection. It seems to me, progress is only progress though, if your unhappy with where you’re at. When considering the re-election of “drugs and alcohol” for another term, it seems unlikely they will provide me with what clean and sober has for their short time in office. Repeating my history, much like America has over and over again will end in tragedy for me. Much as others enjoy the tragic, personally, I can not withstand a few more years to the taskmaster, “addiction”. I wonder… can America continue its addiction to the lies, without suffering the continued consequences of those at the top ignoring those of us in the middle and the bottom? Looks are all to often deceiving. Sometimes, lemonade is just that, lemonade… a deliciously cool and refreshing beverage. At other times it’s the story (kool-aid) we tell about being misled, hey listen this, you won’t believe this, one time when I was drunk and it turns out to just be a huge glass of piss. Don’t be foolish, maybe just drink the water in 2020.

As always thanks for popping by, Duane.