Hash… Corned beef that is.

A beautiful April morning, snow falling from the sky like a December scene from a Christmas movie. Yeah, none of that should be in the same sentence. But here we are in Michigan and amid a global warming crisis that is being ignored, one should hardly be surprised by the weather. And besides in defense of the ignorant and righteous, I remember plenty of Easters with snow on the ground as a child. And I’m no spring chicken.

Speaking of delicious meats… in the middle of opening a can of corned beef hash while writing this morning, I was suddenly struck with the thought of just how unhealthy the choice I was making for breakfast was for my body. Peering into that can of grease laden, fat covered, deliciousness all I saw was a poor decision. I began thinking of all of the poor decisions we make every day. Knowing full well how detrimental they are for us; however, no matter, still, ill advised… choosing them.

Just yesterday on a friends Facebook wall, I saw a post that read something along the lines of, “loving yourself is recognizing when others are treating you badly.” I liked it and I thought about commenting on it, even sharing it. Somehow it seemed incomplete, something was missing. So I did not. While opening that can I realized what it was… the missing line, Now what are you willing to do about that? Whether it is the things we do to ourselves or the things we allow other to do to us, they all have an impact. Each decision we make or don’t make exacts its toll, takes us in a new and different direction. Sometimes down uncharted and dangerous paths, like addiction.

I believe we all have an inner voice that tells us right from wrong.
Choosing to listen to it or not is our God given free will. I also believe we are not immediately or necessarily punished and rewarded based on either of these choices. And not all things in life are determined by our choices or free will. Some things are just happenstance. Take the young man Cody Fry fighting for his life. His only misstep was being born in Iowa (link below). This is why unfortunately, good things happen to bad people. And too… why bad things happen to good people. But isn’t it often really a combination of all three, good choices, bad choices and happenstance? I think maybe this is where the sayings, “Life’s a “beach” then you die” and “it is what is” come from.

I mean admittedly happenstance made me the product of an abusive childhood prior to my adoption. But, I also have had great opportunities presented to me in life since then, choices. Sometimes making the good choice, but often taking the bad choices. But all my choices, me exercise that damnable free will of ours. So nature or nurture what makes an addict? I’m not speaking of any of my parents, biological or the two that matter. Is it in my nature to be an addict or have I nurtured it myself? When presented with choices like this…

Delicious BTW!

And choosing them instead of an equally delicious, much healthier choice. Who’s left to blame now when my arteries are clogged? God, because he gave me free will or myself because I didn’t use it wisely? It would seem to me although being angry with God is an appropriate emotion, one he is willing to bear. Many of us, outside happenstance make pretty awful decisions for ourselves everyday.

If you were looking for answers here today, there are none. In fact I have more questions now. Global warming, addiction, or hash? Maybe I should start my days with Dannon Black Cherry Greek yogurt? I know for sure all the yogurt in the world won’t stop happenstance though. Besides the best way to start your day is with prayer. And I sure do love me some corned beef hash. I suppose as long as I don’t put it in a pipe and smoke it… I’ve exercised pretty good judgement today.

As always thanks for popping by. God Bless, Duane.